Ice skating lessons

International level masters Munkhbold, B. and Shinebayar, Ts. hold basic and intermediate-level skating courses.

Benefits of ice skating:

o  Skating has the benefit of improving the balance and joints of the human body and increases mental focus.
o  This feature makes it easier for children and young people who have been skating to learn other sports and is a good foundation for success in sports.
o  Ice skating not only develops physical fitness, but also builds endurance, self-confidence, and character.
o  In addition to traditional methods, school-age children will be taught playfully, so your children shall spend their free time in a fun, educated, and effective way.

If you would like to participate in ice skating lessons, please fill out the form below. We will contact you when the lesson dates are announced.

Individual skating lessons are available. Please call 80100969 for registration and more information.